Facilitator Guides
This section holds all guides for Facilitators, Journey Leaders, and Spiritual Guides.

Continuation Committee
This section holds best practices for the parish Continuation Committee.

Invitations - Facilitator Guide
This section holds best practices for invitations for Alpha teams, Parish teams, and Mission teams.

The JOURNEY Begins - Facilitator Guide
Reunite and share the graces experienced on your JOURNEY weekend.

Sharing Our JOURNEY - Facilitator Guide
Learn more about the community of Christian witnesses around you.

Evening with the Holy Spirit - Facilitator Guide
Discern where the Holy Spirit is calling you to serve.

JOURNEY with Christ - Facilitator Guide
Continue growing with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Living a New Life in Christ - Facilitator Guide
Discern where you are being called next within your parish community.

Food for the Journey - Facilitator Guide
Spend a day listening to the Lord on this silent retreat. This 4-hour day of prayer is great for individuals or couples.

Kitchen - Facilitator Guide
The Kitchen Facilitator takes responsibility for managing the procurement and serving of all meals for the JOURNEY weekend retreat.

Physical Arrangements - Facilitator Guide
The Physical Arrangements/Chapel Support Facilitator ensures that all the spaces for the entire JOURNEY process are reserved, set up and taken down.