Morning / Afternoon of Reflection
Morning/Afternoon of Reflection is a 4-hour event that revisits the themes of the retreat weekend. It is intended as either a pre-Journey parish-wide event to encourage participation or a post-Journey event to encourage continued engagement, or both. This event can also be done as a multi-parish activity. Men and women can be invited to the same event and spouses are welcomed.
The best practice for Morning/Afternoon of Reflection is to offer the experience after your parish has delivered Journey to team 5 or higher. Once your parish has crossed the 5 team benchmark, it is suggested to schedule this event yearly in late February, being careful to avoid the first Saturday of Lent (as many parishes have events on the first Saturday of Lent that you would be competing with).
To keep this event fresh each year, we have split the agendas and themes into years A,B,C to match the liturgical year. If your parish feels called to go in a different order based on the offered themes, feel free to go in the order that would be most fruitful for your group.
Handouts and References
Morning/Afternoon of Reflection Facilitator Guide - Year A - Eucharist
Morning/Afternoon of Reflection Facilitator Guide - Year B - Discipleship
Morning/Afternoon of Reflection Facilitator Guide - Year C - Reconciliation
Invitation Tools