Continuation Committee
Everything you need regarding the Continuation Committee is below. To jump to those sections quickly, use the Quick Links.
Quick Links
Why have a Continuation Committee?
Continuation Committee Responsibilities
Overview Video: Start by watching a pre-recorded 4 minute video on navigating the below resources for Continuation Committee. To watch, you can click the following link at your convenience: Continuation Committee Overview Video
It is critical that all Continuation Committee members read the entire JOURNEY handbook and all the auxiliary materials so that all have a thorough understanding of the JOURNEY process. The Continuation Committee oversees the entire process for the current team and takes specific responsibility for Invitations, chapel and room set up, and meal planning/donations for the kitchen ministry.
Why have a Continuation Committee?
Ensure the JOURNEY process is experienced in a faithful manner over time.
Be a serving organization in the Body of Christ, praying always for the parish community and the JOURNEY community and process
Initiate policies and procedures to be followed by every team
Give feedback to the Spiritual Director
Take the lead on key support ministries: Invitations, Physical Arrangements, Chapel Support, Kitchen
Be a repository of information past and present
Keep an up-to-date website
Maintain continuity between the Men’s and Women’s retreat schedules and agendas
Ensure that the process remains true to our Catholic faith traditions
Keep an inventory of materials and supplies
Review each weekend and the comments for improvement purposes
Help teams provide the weekend retreat and provide support where needed
Attend The Journey Begins meeting to talk about team commitment and call to action to join the next team
Present parish ministries during Living a New Life in Christ
Identify a facilitator for Day with Jesus and assist the team in organizing this team retreat
Train future facilitators for The Journey Begins, Sharing Our Journey, Evening with the Holy Spirit, Living a New Life in Christ and Day with Jesus
Train future Spiritual Guides
Evaluate the JOURNEY process
Continuation Committee Responsibilities
1. Reserve all rooms for retreat weekend and JOURNEY with Christ
2. Establish a consistent evening for men’s and women’s JOURNEY with Christ meetings
Simplifies room reservations
Enables Spiritual Guides to proactively discern their HG/FS and Discernment Facilitators
Eliminates an early and significant obstacle for the newly formed team; simply announce the date at The JOURNEY Begins
3. Take primary responsibility for key support areas
Physical arrangements – room reservations, set up and take down oversight, chapel logistics
Scheduling chapel support
Kitchen set up and food sign up
4. Act as liaison with current team in formation and with Regional Support Team
5. Support the immediate past team in organizing a Prayer Service or an Agape Service on the Friday before the retreat weekend
6. Ensure that facilitators and Spiritual Guides are trained/available
Discernment and training for facilitators (The Journey Begins, Sharing Our Journey, Evening with the Holy Spirit, Living a New Life in Christ)
Discernment and training for Spiritual Guides
7. Organize Day with Jesus for outgoing team, six months after retreat (a year after the initial retreat weekend for a team)
Reserve appropriate retreat space (at church or off site)
Set date/time in cooperation with team Spiritual Guide
Identify appropriate facilitator
Assist Spiritual Guide in sending invitations, RSVPs
Arrange appropriate catering
Specific ongoing ministries for the Continuation Committee
It may make sense to recruit others not on the Continuation Committee to assist the facilitators in these support ministries.
Invitations Facilitator/JOURNEY Begins Facilitator
(The Invitations Facilitator Guide provides more detail, worksheets, examples)
One man and one woman take the lead for invitations, in cooperation with the pastor
Define a system for your parish
Establish goals for your parish
Develop a Parish Invitations Worksheet
Make follow up calls on behalf of the pastor
Develop a database for future invitation outreach
The person discerned as Invitations Coordinator for a specific team will be the liaison between the team and the Invitations Facilitator; team members will continue to be encouraged to invite people they know
Invitations Facilitator also facilitates The JOURNEY Begins
The Invitations Facilitators/JOURNEY Begins Facilitators will hold these roles over the course of several weekends
Physical Arrangements Facilitator
(The Physical Arrangements Facilitator Guide provides worksheets, examples)
One man and one woman take the lead for organizing all the arrangements for each weekend
Reserve all rooms for weekend and JOURNEY with Christ
Inventory and procure all supplies for the weekend, including foot washing supplies
Serve as the liaison for the team and the parish facilities manager.
Develop a plan for the setup of all spaces (what needs to be moved, special arrangements) in cooperation with the Journey Leader, other support ministry coordinators and the Continuation Committee. Photos of the spaces before setup can facilitate clean up.
Recruit volunteers from past JOURNEY teams to assist in setup and take down (especially take down as current team will likely help with set up.)
Test audio/video equipment. Ensure that the Liturgists/Music Coordinator knows how to operate equipment.
Schedule a walk-through of the space prior to the retreat weekend.
Figure out parking arrangements for the weekend and communicate that information to the Invitations Facilitator so it can be shared with retreatants.
Cover windows and glass doors to eliminate distractions.
Train sacristans if needed
Recruit and schedule chapel prayer support throughout the weekend
Arrange for visiting priests for Reconciliation, including invitations, confirmations, stipends, thank you notes,
Assist in identifying a Teen Witness, if needed
Plan and organize the weekend chapel for all prayer sessions and sacraments.
Arrange with the Spiritual Guide for a tabernacle for the weekend chapel.
Arrange with priest or deacon for the Blessed Sacrament to be in the tabernacle in the weekend chapel.
Arrange and facilitate Reconciliation, in cooperation with the Spiritual Guide and the pastor. Arrange space, greet confessors, ensure the smooth flow of retreatants to each confessor (if individual confessions are being heard).
Ensure that all materials needed for Mass are present (chalice, purificators, hosts, etc.
Arrange with priest or deacon for the Blessed Sacrament to be returned to the main tabernacle.
Return all materials from the chapel to their proper places at the close of the retreat weekend.
The person discerned as Physical Arrangements Coordinator for a specific team will be the liaison between the team and the Physical Arrangements Facilitator. The Physical Arrangements Facilitator will also work with the sacristan/liturgist on each team.
Kitchen Facilitator
(The Kitchen Facilitator Guide provides sign up forms, etc.)
One man and one woman take the lead in organizing the kitchen
Develop a process for food sign up; Plan menus that are simple, easy to digest and appeal to a wide variety of diets.
Develop standard menus for men’s and women’s weekends
Reserve kitchen and supervise set up/clean up; ensure that any special requirements of the kitchen are observed
Recruit volunteers (not from the current team) to assist with prep, serving and clean up
Inventory kitchen equipment and supplies.
The Continuation Committee should set a budget if supplies/food must be purchased.
Check with Invitations regarding any dietary restrictions.
Develop a schedule for food preparation and clean up, including how many volunteers will be needed at what times.
Develop a plan for any excess food.
The person discerned as Kitchen Coordinator for a specific team will be the liaison between the team and the Kitchen Facilitator.
Chapel Support Facilitator
Recruit and schedule chapel prayer support throughout the weekend
Facilitators for The Journey Begins, Sharing Our Journey, Evening with the Holy Spirit, Living a New Life in Christ and Day with Jesus will start out as Continuation Committee members, but do not need to be members.
Reconciliation Support
The Continuation Committee is also responsible for working with the Pastor and the church staff to secure confessors for the Reconciliation Service during the retreat weekend.
Two months before retreat:
Contact Parish Office to secure three to four priests for the Reconciliation Service held Saturday evening of the retreat. Ask for the specific priests’ names and telephone numbers.
Request the priests arrive at the church by 8:00 p.m. Saturday evening.
Request checks for the priests from parish office.
One week before retreat:
Personally telephone priests to confirm Reconciliation Service details.
Continuation Committee Roles for Weekend
What does the Continuation Committee do during a retreat weekend? PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY, more!
Help set up Friday
Attend Agape Service Friday night of the weekend (planned by prior team, not Continuation Committee)
Attend Saturday night rosary for prayer support
Assist with set up and tear down for liturgies
Provide food for weekend
Assist in kitchen
Pray in the chapel when it is open
Write Agape letters
Help tear down Sunday
Remember to follow the handbook, listen to your priest and support the process as Continuation Committee members. Trust your Spiritual Guide to know what is needed. And trust in the JOURNEY.
Primarily, the Continuation Committee and all prior team members must remember this weekend is to be put on by the current Teams. The Continuation Committee is there as support, in prayer, and where we are called by the team. We must allow the current Team members to handle their ministries. Christ renews through them, as He renewed through each of us. Pray some more!
Succession Planning
To not take a strategic approach to succession planning has the potential to be a critical and potentially fatal mistake.
Without a succession plan, a handful of parishioners might be “on fire” and carry the load until they “wear out”. Most of those who are “on fire” naturally gravitate to tasks that need to be accomplished. Unfortunately, over time, invitations will suffer. Further, once these individuals hit the stage of “burn out”, a great hole will exist and it can lead to cancelled weekends, numerous challenges and the potential end of the ministry.
It is recommended that the first 12 members of the Alpha Team become the first Continuation Committee for the parish. A group of 8-12, evenly distributed between men and women, is optimal. The Alpha Team members should draw lots to determine initial terms. It is recommended that a person serve for 3 years. The Pastor or his designee should be a permanent member of the Continuation Committee. It also may be appropriate to have a parish staff member as a member.
After the first retreat at the parish, the Spiritual Guides should help the Pastor identify who from the teams should be invited to join the Continuation Committee. Often the Journey Leader or the Weekend Coordinator is invited. Parishes also invite the current and immediate past Spiritual Guides to serve as ad hoc members. For example, one man and one woman from Team 1 would join the Continuation Committee the first year. Six months later, one man and one woman from Team 2 would join the Continuation Committee. At the end of the first year, four original members would rotate off and one man and one woman from Team 3 would join. You may want to tweak the number joining to keep the committee size manageable. (For instance, someone might need to rotate off early and you do not fill that position.)
Each member of the Continuation Committee has a specific ministry. New members should be trained in the facilitation and support ministries of the Continuation Committee. Those who rotate off Continuation Committee and those who complete a weekend may join subcommittees for Invitations, Physical Arrangements or Kitchen. Others may train to facilitate Sharing Our Journey, Evenings with the Holy Spirit or Living a New Life in Christ.
Continuation Committee members who have been trained as facilitators for Sharing the Journey, Evening with the Holy Spirit, Living a New Life in Christ or the Journey Begins can continue to facilitate those meetings after they rotate off the Continuation Committee.
While the first Spiritual Guides are taken from the Continuation Committee, that does not have to be the case going forward. The Pastor discerns or approves Spiritual Guides for future teams as needed. It is assumed that lay people who serve in the ministry of Spiritual Guide are Catholic and in good standing in the Church.
All of this is time consuming, requires a sustained effort of the Pastor and a team of individuals that are easily integrated and replaceable to avoid the loss of momentum that occurs when one or two individuals attempt to carry the load.
Although this is a lay driven ministry, the strong support of the Pastor is needed to keep the process focused on spiritual renewal and growth. These relationships built as part of JOURNEY should be nurtured and built upon and are the key to the renewal of the parish. JOURNEY could and should be energizing for the Pastor as many of those who attend a weekend will engage in parish ministries.
More resources for the Continuation Committee can be found at jnlic.org.
Background Information
Training the Continuation Committee
Continuation Committee Structure - an example
Agape Sample Program
Facilities and Supplies
Witness room. Large enough for four to six round tables (42" in diameter), open space in front of room, rectangular table in back. MUST BE AVAILABLE FRIDAY APPROX 6 PM UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT. (Number of tables determined by number of retreatants.)
Chapel. A room to use as small prayer chapel; seating all retreatants and team comfortably; Blessed Sacrament in the room if permitted; if lighting is fluorescent, please procure lamps; decorate space to support prayer and reflection. MUST BE AVAILABLE FRIDAY APPROX 6 PM UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT. It is helpful to be close to the witness room.
Sleeping Rooms. Appropriate rooms for retreatants and team to sleep in. Window shades for appropriate privacy; space for cot/mat and chair for each person. If needed, may be vacated for Sunday morning religious education.
Bathrooms. Needed are toilets and sinks for use by all on weekend. If there are few sinks, perhaps change all rest rooms to accommodate one gender (all men or all women) for weekend use. Please be sensitive to have enough bathroom supplies for weekend use by retreatants, team and others who use facilities. Showers are optional.
Dining area and kitchen. Normal schedule for the weekend does not permit team members to prepare meals. Help outside the team is needed. Snacks should be generally available during the weekend.
Recommend simple, non-gaseous meals. May be different simple menus for men and women weekends. On late Friday and Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon, there is a need for special snacks. Appropriate snacks might be cookies, pizza, simple sandwiches, fruit, fresh vegetable tray, soft drinks, juices, cheese and crackers, nuts or trail mix, tray, coffee, decaf, tea. Out of respect for team members and retreatants who may struggle with addictions, we do not recommend alcoholic beverages.
Break Area. Weekend retreat needs a break area. If kitchen is close to witness room, that can be used. Otherwise, prefer a table or two in hall outside the witness room, with coffee, decaf, tea, maybe cookies, fruit, etc. for breaks.
Team room. Small room with table or desk space to store Agape letters discreetly and other supplies. Not a sleeping room.
Rooms/spaces for Reconciliation (if Reconciliation will be offered on the weekend). Needed Saturday evening. May need softer lighting - lamps.
NOTE: Please be sensitive to make proper adjustments to school bells, heat on/off times, and air conditioning units.
Chapel. Needs Blessed Sacrament if permitted, soft lighting (lamps), vestments for weekend liturgy, chairs for all on weekend, parish songbooks, candles and crosses for Reconciliation rooms, and stoles for confessors (if Reconciliation will be offered on the weekend).
Witness Room. Needs lectern, a place to write announcements if needed (blackboard, whiteboard, large Post-It poster paper), a round table for each table leader, chairs for all (cushioned are helpful), 6' or 8' rectangular table for directors and music player. Also needs a small table for Bible Enthronement, a processional Bible and a large crucifix/cross.
For retreatants and team. Inexpensive Bible for all retreatants and team for all to keep. Recommended: New American Bible.
Important Note: There is great value in each retreatant and each team member having the same edition/translation of the Scripture for use on the weekend – so page numbers may be announced, minimizing searching for readings by book/chapter/verse for new Christians. Chapter and verse should also be cited to help those unfamiliar with the Bible learn.
Nametags, folders, envelopes. The Weekend-in-a-Box has lanyards in two colors, one for team and one for retreatants. Folder with notebook paper and pen for all retreatants and team. An envelope (9"x13") for each retreatant and team members; stored in supply room and used for Agape letters.
Replaceable supplies. For each table in witness room; one 5 or 7 day vigil light, one box of Kleenex, one set of magic markers, candy and one lighting taper. General supplies on back table; 5-10 sheets of newsprint or poster paper, pack of matches or a lighter, two rolls of masking tape, a supply of aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, Tums, antacid, shaving needs, female needs, toothpaste, combs, etc., for emergencies. Christ Candle for Bible Enthronement.
Generally, need a minimum of one confessor for every five retreatants. Confessors should be asked to arrive Saturday night either 9 or 9:30 p.m. Time may fluctuate based on availability of priests. Typically handled by the Continuation Committee.
Weekend in a Box
The “weekend in a box” section contains all the handouts needed.
These best practices were compiled based on almost 20 years of weekend retreats in several parishes. Typically, the discerned Weekend Coordinators collaborate with the Continuation Committee to inventory and procure the supply materials as they are used for both men’s and women’s weekend.
Hanging files and bins will help you keep track of materials you need for each part of the retreat.
90 Days Prior to weekend Print Forms Materials Coordinator
90 Days Prior to weekend Purchase Holy Items Weekend Coordinator
60 Days Prior to weekend Purchase Supplies Weekend Coordinator
60 Days Prior to weekend Assemble Supplies Weekend Coordinator
10 Days After weekend Submit Expense Report Weekend Coordinator
The Continuation Committee Should be able to provide you with an inventory of what is available from the last retreat weekends. Typical items that might be available include:
Labeled file folders
Stock for Table Names
Laminate and sheet protectors
Sand (enough to fill a small jar)
Handouts and Signage
Print off one copy of each item (all on white paper is fine, with the exclusion of labels which need to be printed on label paper). Then, using the table below, place a sticky note on each document stating (1) number of copies, (2) color of paper (light shade), and (3) if it needs to be double-sided. You can take these to a printer to have them copied in bulk. (These are all the handouts and signs needed for the weekend and for JOURNEY with Christ.)
**Starred items should be printed front and back
Copies of weekend handouts and signs are found in this section. Handouts for The JOURNEY Begins, Evening with the Holy Spirit, JOURNEY with Christ and Living a New Life in Christ are found in their respective sections. A complete list of supplies can be found at jnlic.org.
Prayer Service Before the Weekend
An Agape Prayer Service for the entire JOURNEY community can be held on Friday evening before the retreat weekend, after set-up is complete. This service provides prayer support for the team. The Continuation Committee and the immediate past team take responsibility for the organization. The Continuation Committee in collaboration with the team may determine that a simple prayer service just for the team is more appropriate.
Community Agape Prayer Service
PURPOSE: The JOURNEY and family members gather to pray with and for team members who are about to put on a retreat weekend.
TIMING AND LOCATION: The Agape Service is held on Friday night before the retreat weekend, after set-up is completed. The service takes place in the Sanctuary of the church. The previous Spiritual Guide coordinates with current Spiritual Guide as to time.
SET UP: On the altar, Christ Candle to be used on the upcoming weekend, as well as candles representing all past teams. Candles for each team member on the current team can be placed on a credence table. Candles for the team are decorated with the logo label for the upcoming weekend by previous team as a gift to current team.
Have lighting sticks, ceramic bowl of sand and lighter available to light agape gift candles also on credence table.
Programs to hand out at baptismal font
Music CDs and player or other music source
Leave space for Current Team Christ Candle on the altar that will be processed in.
PROGRAM: Previous team creates program to be handed out; includes schedule for evening, current team members and ministry and words to songs.
ATTENDEES: Team members, their families, past retreatants and their families are all invited to attend. The immediate past team plans and presents the Agape service for the current team and helps invite community to come as prayer support.
Opening Song
Current team processes in singing opening song with Christ candle and is seated together in the front pews to the right. The team hosting the Agape service is seated together in the front to the left.
Opening Prayer and Welcome
Welcome all in attendance, especially those who have not been through JOURNEY. Encourage everyone to participate fully in the evening.
The team planning the Agape Service will determine who will fill each of the roles in the service. This is a good opportunity for those in service roles on the weekend to share their faith in a more public role.
Reflection on meaning of “Agape” (3 minutes)
Can focus on agape love from team to retreatants
A suggested definition of agape from Pope Benedict: “Love – ‘agape” in Greek, ‘caritas’ in Latin – does not mean first of all a charitable act or sentiment, but the spiritual gift, the love of God that the Holy Spirit infuses in the human heart and that leads in turn to giving oneself to God, himself, and to one’s neighbor.”
Scripture Reflection (3-4 minutes)
Can focus on gift of team to each other
This can be the Scripture Theme from the weekend the current team attended.
Time allowed should include reading of verses and reflection. To reflect on where they came from
Comments Cards from the retreat weekend
The past Journey Leader will have comment cards from the weekend the current team attended. Can have a few members read these.
Scripture Reflection (3-4 minutes)
Can focus on gift of weekend to retreatants
This can be the Scripture Theme for the upcoming weekend. To reflect on where they are going. Time allowed should include reading of verses and reflection.
Introduction of Team for the current retreat weekend
The team comes up in front as their names and ministries are called.
Signing of the Senses
The immediate past team lines up facing the current team for the signing of the Senses (taken from RCIA.) Any past team member may fill in if more signers are needed. Signers need to have participated on past teams.
Passing on of the Light of Christ
Ask current team to come forward and surround the altar then have past team members (this can be 5-10) come to the altar and light Agape Gift candles from Christ candle with lighting sticks or lighters and pass to the current team members.
Blessing of the Team
Family members and JOURNEY community are invited to come forward to surrounding the team at alter. Father or Spiritual Guide concludes with prayer SPECIFICALLY invoking the name of the Holy Spirit upon the team.
Song of Blessing /Concluding Song: Go Light Your World
Tradition to sing “Go Light Your World” as the team processes out with their candles, or other appropriate song.
There is no social time following Agape, as team members need to spend time with their families, and get a good night’s rest before the weekend begins. The Agape Services should not be lengthy for the same reason. REMEMBER Agape Service is about the current team and the retreatants that God is calling for the weekend, about passing on the gift of renewal to more in the parish. Please have those that reflect on Scripture keep that focus and keep the reflections short – entire service to be less than an hour.
Prayer Service Before the Weekend
(Adapted from Prayer Seeds by Sr. Joyce Rupp)
Opening Song
Welcome and Introduction - Journey Leader
Opening statements about forming together as a team to give the weekend to a group of men/women longing to deepen their spiritual journey with Jesus.
Life often swings us between the rhythm of giving and receiving. Many times “giving” maintains a strong hold on us and “receiving” shrinks significantly when we are involved in service. As we enter into serving the retreatants on their spiritual journey this weekend, think for a moment about what you most want to share with others? What do you desire to receive? As we join in prayer this evening, let these questions be uppermost in our minds and hearts.
Reading 1 - Luke 6:38 - Team Member
Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.
Reading 2 - 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 - Team Liturgist
Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Moreover, God is able to make every grace abundant for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work.
Reflection on giving and receiving - Priest/Deacon/or Spiritual Guide
Litany on Commitment to Give/Receive - Spiritual Guide
Response: I give generously, I receive gratefully.
When I am asked to go the extra mile and then some …
When I listen to a retreatant with my full attention …
When I open my mind to set aside judgment and bias …
When I turn toward a difficult person I prefer to ignore …
When I accept another’s help even if I can do it myself …
When I allow myself to be vulnerable instead of being strong …
When I listen to affirmation about the worth of my ministry …
When I sit before you, face to face …
Jesus, we turn to you, our model and mentor of giving and receiving. We recall how you poured yourself out in service to those who crowded around you. We bear in mind, too, how you withdrew to the mountainsides to pray and restore what was depleted in your body and spirit. Grant us, O Lord, the wisdom, inspiration, and discipline to cultivate a healthy balance between generous service to others and compassionate care of ourselves. Amen.
Ministry Blessing - Priest/Deacon/or Spiritual Guide
May you look for Christ’s presence within your ministry, especially in those persons that seem least likely to reveal this unshakable Love.
May you give generously and patiently of your time, energy, and talents when they are needed, and receive graciously the assistance that others offer you.
May you listen with a generous heart and mind to those who bring their sorrows and joys to you.
May you be clothed in the calmness of Jesus and the strength of his kindness, so that anxiety and fear do not overcome you.
May the love that overflows from your heart to others be returned to you a hundredfold from those who receive the blessing of your ministry.
May you walk faith-filled and confident through the emerging undertakings and surprising developments that come your way.
May you remember that your ministry finds its source in the One whose “power working through you can do more than you could ask or imagine” (Eph 3:21).
Final Blessing
PRIEST OR DEACON BLESSING: May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
SPIRITUL GUIDE BLESSING: May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life.
Closing Song