Living a New Life In Christ
Overview Video: Start by watching a pre-recorded 4 minute video on navigating the below resources for Living a New Life in Christ. To watch, you can click the following link at your convenience: Living a New Life in Christ 4 Minute Overview Video
Living a New Life in Christ, for the outgoing team, usually takes place about a week after The JOURNEY Begins. The date/time should be announced with the entire JOURNEY with Christ calendar. It should not be an afterthought.
Living a New Life in Christ affirms team growth and call individuals to a continuing commitment to spiritual growth and ministry. It allows for exploration of various ways to grow and serve and provides an opportunity to commit or recommit to activities that nurture spirituality or service.
Living a New Life in Christ is facilitated by a person identified by the Continuation Committee and trained in the process. The agenda put forth here calls for a two-evening process. If local needs require, Living a New Life in Christ can be done in one long session. Living a New Life in Christ takes about three-four hours, depending on the size of the team.
Set up:
Chairs in a circle in a large meeting room. A whiteboard or flip chart may be helpful
Resources on where to grow and where to serve
Ministry Guide handout (Living a New Life in Christ Handout #1)
Handouts and References
Living a New Life in Christ Agenda
Living a New Life in Christ Facilitator Guide