Kitchen - Facilitator Guide
Every part of the Kitchen Facilitator Guide is below. To jump to those sections quickly, use the Quick Links.
Quick Links
Overview Video: Start by watching a pre-recorded 4 minute video on navigating the below resources for Kitchen Facilitator. To watch, you can click the following link at your convenience: Physical Arrangements and Kitchen Overview Video
Additional Information
The Kitchen Facilitator takes responsibility for managing the procurement and serving of all meals for the JOURNEY weekend retreat. This person also recruits volunteers who are not part of the current team to assist in food preparation, serving and clean up.
Signup Genius or other free website apps can be used to solicit food donations. It is suggested that team members wait to sign up closer to the retreat dates, as they might need to fill in gaps. Food sign-ups can include paper supplies, bottled water, soda, candy for tables in addition to the needs for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Develop a process for food sign up.
Procure candy, gum, cough drops and bottled water for Witness Room.
Develop standard menus for men’s and women’s weekends. Identify needs for other kitchen items (paper plates and bowls, flatware, cups, baggies, foil, plasticware.)
Reserve kitchen and supervise set up/clean up; ensure that any special requirements of the kitchen are observed. Coordinate refrigerator and freezer space.
Recruit volunteers (not from the current team) to assist with prep, serving and clean up
Develop plan for leftover food
Be familiar with all equipment in kitchen (coffee pots, ice maker, ovens.) Have keys/access to freezers, etc.