Sharing Our Journey
Everything you need for Sharing Our JOURNEY is below. To jump to those sections quickly, use the Quick Links.
Quick Links
Overview Video: Start by watching a pre-recorded 4 minute video on navigating the below resources for Sharing Our Journey. To watch, you can click the following link at your convenience: Sharing our Journey Overview Video
The first evenings of the formation process are dedicated to Sharing Our Journey. Sharing Our Journey evenings are a way to get to know your team members. You may know some of your team members very well. Others you may have just met on the retreat weekend. Each of you has experiences and a story to tell. Sharing Our Journey begins that process.
Sharing Our Journey is led by a facilitator identified by the Continuation Committee. He or she will guide your team through a process of sharing a bit of your background and history, as well as some key parts of your faith journey. This is not a witness talk. You can share as much or as little you are comfortable sharing. There will be many opportunities throughout formation and during the weekend to share your story of faith. Depending on the size of the team, Sharing Our Journey usually takes 3-5 weeks, depending on the number of team members.
The process is designed to begin building this community by getting to know each other beyond the surface. We must begin to know our fellow team members on a personal and faith level in order to become the model of a Christian community that can love and serve those attending the next retreat weekend. It will be how we love each other, rather than what we do, that will touch people’s hearts and minds.
During Sharing Our Journey you will practice ministerial skills that will be important for the retreat weekend. First you will share your story of faith. Second, you will affirm your team members in their faith journeys and they will affirm you. Finally, you will practice listening with an open heart, enabling others to share without fear of judgement or condescension.
Team members should bring their Bibles, name tags and The JOURNEY Begins handout to each meeting.
Process tips:
Share as much or as little as you like
Be sensitive to length of sharing
Do not prepare your story while someone else is sharing
Always be attentive and attending to the person sharing
Maintain eye contact and avoid distractions
Keep hands free of Bible, papers, etc.
Do not interrupt during an individual’s sharing
Do not question or probe after a sharing is finished
Do not give advice or engage in dialogue with the one who has shared
Keep affirmations brief and to the point
In order to facilitate our sharing, we have asked that you keep your story to about 20-30 minutes. There will be MANY other times to share during formation, so everything doesn’t need to be told at once.