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Additional Information
The ministry of Journey Leader is defined in the handbook. It’s important for the Spiritual Guide to help ensure that the team stays within the guidelines of the program as laid out by the Continuation Committee. Discuss any potential changes to JOURNEY with Christ or the weekend retreat with the Spiritual Guide and then with the Continuation Committee.
Key Points
When a question comes up regarding the retreat weekend, the focus should always be on the retreatants not the team members (i.e. extra people in the witness room to hear a witness …. Is that best for the retreatants?)
Keep materials, nametags, bags SIMPLE! It is Christ and His people who “renew” not fancy packaging!
No alcohol at weekly meetings or on the weekend.
Demonstration Mass and pulpit talks for men’s and women’s teams should be coordinated with each other and pastor’s schedule. Encourage team to attend Reconciliation during a regularly scheduled time prior to the retreat.
It’s a good idea during the meetings to break into smaller groups for discussion at some point, as it helps some people who are intimidated by large groups to open up. It also helps prepare for the weekend, where most of discussion will happen at the tables in small groups.
Continuation Committee reserves areas needed for JOURNEY with Christ and retreat weekends.