Sacristan / Liturgist

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The Continuation Committee and Physical Arrangements Facilitator will provide the Sacristan and Liturgist with information about supplies, parish guidelines for sacraments and key contacts at the parish. Mass on Sunday and Reconciliation on Saturday will need to be coordinated with the pastor. A member of the Continuation Committee takes responsibility for scheduling additional priests for Reconciliation.

Check with Continuation Committee as to making CDs with weekend music. Some parishes make CDs for all invitees with the music from the weekend. Please make sure that you abide by all copyright laws. Your parish will likely need some kind of copyright license if you choose to provide copies of the music. Another option is to give invitees a list of all songs/artists so they can download themselves following the weekend.

Liturgist to coordinate music for Witness Room, retreat weekend chapel, Reconciliation and Mass on Sunday. Liturgist may recruit other team members to assist if the liturgist is needed in another area. Liturgist/sacristan may also call on former liturgists and sacristans to assist in chapel and with sacrament preparation as needed.  

Pastor gives Reconciliation witness prior to communal penance service in space for reconciliation (church or other designated space). Communal penance service includes opening prayer, Scripture and quiet examination of conscience. Have appropriate materials for examination of conscience. Following penance service, announce location of confessors, explain that each invitee should light a taper and place it in the appropriate place following the individual confession. Play quiet instrumental music during sacrament of reconciliation.

Ask former sacristans for a walk through of the foot washing process. Ensure that all supplies are ready.

ONLY priest moves Blessed Sacrament to and from chapel.  When the Blessed Sacrament is present, set the proper example for chapel behavior.  Once the Blessed Sacrament is present, a team member or a community member needs to stay in the chapel at all times.