JOURNEY Handbook
Table of Contents
The JOURNEY Begins Handout
Sharing Our JOURNEY Agenda
Stage 3: Evening with the Holy Spirit
Retreat Ministries
Evening with the Holy Spirit Agenda
Handout for the Evening with the Holy Spirit
Witness and JOURNEY with Christ Themes
All Segments - JOURNEY with Christ Weekly Agendas
Segment 3: Renewing Your Faith Life
Segment 5: Growing in Holiness
Segment 6: Supporting Each Other
Segment 7: Serving the Community
Segment 9: Living the Eucharist
Segment 10: Listening to the Word
Segment 11: Unconditional Love
Team JOURNEY with Christ Weekly Assignments
Challenges with the invitations process
Setting up for the Weekend Retreat
Weekend Retreat Handouts and Reference
Stage 6: Living a New Life in Christ
Living a New Life in Christ Agenda
Living a New Life in Christ Handout #1
Why have a Continuation Committee?
Continuation Committee Responsibilities